Jackson and Nate, brothers who formed their band in 2019, serve as the driving force behind their musical endeavors. Their collaboration extends beyond their shared love for creating music, intertwining familial bonds with artistic expression. Jackson, particularly, finds solace in the diversity of his musical involvement, with Viper Club providing a sonic departure from his acoustic guitar work, offering a dynamic range of expression.
In reflecting on the digital age's impact on music production and distribution, they acknowledge the benefits of accessibility and discoverability facilitated by online platforms. However, they voice concerns about the homogenizing effect of algorithms, which often curate content based on users' preexisting preferences, potentially limiting exposure to diverse musical styles and genres.
Social media serves as a vital tool for promoting their band and cultivating connections with fans. They recognize the indispensability of platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok in reaching a wider audience and fostering a sense of community among their supporters. Through engaging content and interactive posts, they aim to create an inclusive space where fans can actively participate in their musical journey.
Live performances are not without their share of memorable moments. One incident stands out vividly—a comedic mishap where Jack unexpectedly descended from the ceiling of a venue, leaving both the audience and band members in stitches. Despite the initial embarrassment, the incident has since become a cherished anecdote, adding to the band's lore and camaraderie.
Balancing creative expression with commercial viability poses a perpetual challenge. While they recognize the importance of audience appeal, they adamantly prioritize authenticity and artistic integrity. They've learned from past experiences the dangers of compromising their artistic vision for commercial success, opting instead to stay true to themselves and their creative instincts.
Themes and messages in their music vary, ranging from introspective reflections to lighthearted escapism. Each song serves as a vessel for storytelling, providing listeners with a sonic sanctuary where they can find solace and connection. Behind-the-scenes anecdotes offer glimpses into their creative process, such as the spontaneous genesis of "Ballistic" during a frustrating studio session, highlighting the unpredictable nature of inspiration and collaboration.
In summary, Jackson and Nate's musical journey is characterized by a blend of familial bonds, creative exploration, and a steadfast commitment to authenticity. Through their music, they strive to create an inclusive and uplifting experience for their audience, transcending the boundaries of genre and convention.